Curriculum Overview
The Littletons School strives to give children the best possible education by providing a varied, exciting and stimulating curriculum across the key stages. We aim to make sure every child achieves their full potential and our curriculum is personalised to the needs of each child so that everyone can access it. This section, and the links below, provides information regarding our curriculum. Should you require any further information, do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher or enquire at the school office.
As a First School we admit children from the ages 3-10 years old. We cover three stages; Foundation Stage (Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum), Key Stage 1 National Curriculum (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) National Curriculum. The final year of KS2 (year 6) takes place at Middle School.
Our classes are all mixed age, so we operate a two-year rolling curriculum to ensure that every child receives full coverage of the National Curriculum without repeating units of work. All children complete work specific to their year group and their own individual needs.
Our curriculum is based on statutory guidance with five core subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing, and as a Church School, RE. Other foundation subjects are History, Geography, Music, Art, Design and Technology, French (Modern Foreign Language), Physical Education and PSHCE. Children in Early Years participate in Forest School every Friday, taking the curriculum out in to our own forest area. From Year 3 onwards, swimming lessons take place for all classes in 10 week blocks. One of our favourite activities is Play2Learn, where every child, during their time with us, has the chance to learn a musical instrument, usually the ukulele or the recorder. The children receive a weekly lesson from a trained Severn Arts music teacher and are able to take their instrument home to practise between lessons. Our curriculum is supplemented with extra-curricular clubs, such as; Football, Chess, Book Club, Table Tennis, Art, Netball, Change for Life, Computing and many others. We also like to go on visits and invite visitors into school, to enhance our learning.
The National Curriculum can be found here.